Living Wisdom School

Living Wisdom School

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Cultivating imagination, exploration, and a love for learning while learning to work with the emotions.


Preschool is a wonderful year in school filled with playful times with friends, opportunities to develop physical skills, and experiences that foster the growth of personal skills and inner qualities that will bring lasting happiness to one’s life. It is a transitional time as the children move from home life to the school setting. In the Foundation Years the focus of growth is on the physical body and learning about the realities of the physical world the child lives in. An overview of some of the ways that we work with these areas of growth are listed below.

The Foundation Years of the Education for Life System include:

  • Physical movement, exercise and fresh air
  • Frequent walks and outings in nature
  • The use of imagination
  • Yoga postures and quiet times
  • Cooperation, kindness and healthy habits



“The first six years of a child’s life are the most important for establishing a direction that will last a lifetime.” J.D. Walters Read our school’s COVID safety plan (CSP).


These years are a time put a greater emphasis on emotional development and inspiration.

What your child will learn

“The first six years of a child’s life are the most important for establishing a direction that will last a lifetime….During the first six years, as we have seen, a child can learn best through the medium of his body, and by developing his awareness through the five senses.”

– J. Donald Walters, founder of Education for Life

1. Music & Theatre

Our school music and theatrical productions are open to the public.
Schedule a visit by calling or filling out the contact form. We look forward to sharing this inspiring time with you.

2. Yoga & Meditation

3. Self Expression & Communication

4. Imagination & Discovery

Exploration & Adventures....

Open chat
Welcome to Living Wisdom School,
How can we help you?