Living Wisdom School

Living Wisdom School

Pre School
The Foundation Years

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Preschool is a wonderful time filled with play, friends, opportunities to develop the imagination and physical skills. Those experiences foster the growth of personal skills and inner qualities which bring lasting happiness. It is a transitional time as the children move from home life to the school setting. In Education for Life approach these are known as the Foundation Years and the focus is on the development of the physical body and learning about the physical world. Some of the ways we explore the physical world are listed below.
The Foundation Years of the Education for Life System include:
  • Physical movement, exercise and fresh air
  • Frequent walks and outings in nature
  • The use of imagination
  • Yoga postures and quiet times
  • Cooperation, kindness and healthy habits

Please contact us to arrange a visit or to learn more

LWS Preschool

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